We’re a collective of like-minded aficionados, sourcing the finest and most authentic apparel products from Bangladesh and bringing them back to you.

[Since 2008]

At N2N Sourcing, we believe in creating solutions that enables the growth of our customers business. We use the resources we have to fulfill the requirements and expectations of our clients by sourcing a great product. We collaborate with our manufacturing partners in delivering a sustainable solution that have a positive impact on customer’s supply chain.      

About Our Core Values


We believe that the road to success is through commitment. Unless commitment is made and kept, there are only promises and hopes, but no plans.


We are a collective of like-minded professionals working together to achieve a common goal and we always demonstrate solidarity. 


Our people have a quality mindset and it reflects on the quality of the organization and the solutions we provide to our customer.


We strongly believe that Innovation is the only way to win. We are not afraid of breaking the status quo and develop new solutions for our customers.


Ethics is the building block of our organization and we implement strict code of conduct in our day-to day operations. We respect and comply to all local and international regulations.


We may be doing the same work that the others are doing, but we do it with more passion.


We started as a small company producing basic apparels

How We Operate?

We always conduct our business in an ethical manner. Our Code of Conduct and Business Ethics guides us in our day-to-day activities. Our team members are always aligned with expectation of the company and our customers.

The Top Management of the company is committed towards implementing an Integrated Management System that takes care of Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety issues. In line with current trends, we have incorporated risk management processes within our activities to ensure that we achieve our objectives and also sustainable and scalable success.    

Sustainability, Diversity and Respect for Human Rights

The planet is being impacted as products are being made everyday. Our commitment is to work responsibly and reduce or eliminate these impacts as much as possible for a better future.

Our Solutions

CSR Programs

Our Corporate Social Responsibility programs ensures that products are being manufactured under safe and fair working conditions

Our Manufacturing Partners

We perform completed evalauation of our suppliers and share the findings with our customers so that they know where the products are being made

Diversity and Human Rights

We under no circumstances tolerate discrimination and harassment. We provide an open and safe working environment with equal opportunity to grow and develop within the organization. We are guided by United Nations Global Compact as well as ILO declarations on human and labor rights.

We also work with our partners to implement the same standards at their workplace.

These commitments from our side can be found in the company’s Code of Conduct and Business Ethics document. 

Key Numbers

years of EXPERIENCE on rmg trade

More than 12 years of experience on Fashion & Lifestyle Vertical

quality assurance professionals

20 highly experienced Quality Assurance Professional

pre-qualified manufacturers

More than 100 Pre-Qualified Suppliers and Manufacturing Partners

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