Fuel your growth engine: leverage logistics excellence for enhanced efficiency and a competitive edge

Logistics Solutions is an integral part of the entire supply chain. We take care of Logistics Management by planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective, effective forward, and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between Bangladesh and point of destination to meet customer’s requirements. 

Our Services

We provide or extend two types of services to our customers. We can evaluate and work with your Logistics Service Provider in monitoring and reporting shipments from start to end. We also can connect you competent LSPs who provides Freight Management, Inland Transport, Warehousing, and Customs Clearance services.

LSP Evaluation

We can evaluate the LSP you want to appoint for your shipments and share with you detailed report with you regarding their strengths and weaknesses.

N2N Solutions

We through our partners in the country provide you wide range of Storage and other related solutions. We monitor and resolve all related issues on a daily basis and report accordingly.

Evaluation of Logistics Service Provider

Know your LSP

While choosing a LSP, you may have the opportunity to look at their capabilities at your end, but what about origin? The origin setup is very important as Bangladesh with issues such as capacity and the absence of stable infrastructure, can lead to disruption to your entire supply chain and have a negative impact on growth. It is very important to know the capabilities of the local LSP setup before choosing a partner. N2N Sourcing helps you to find the correct partner who will be able to fulfill the requirements. While evaluating a LSP, we look at their:

  • capacity out of Bangladesh in terms of Air and Ocean Freight
  • ware house setup at Chittagong Port and Dhaka Airport
  • human resource
  • compliance standards
  • communication standards
  • relationship with main carriers
  • financial strength
  • reputation in the market
  • buying power

The service can be availed as an independent soultion. If you are sourcing your products throught us, this is complementary.

N2N Logistics LSP

N2N Solutions

We work with the most competent and cost-effective Logistics Solution Provides to provide a wide range of storage solutions in Bangladesh. Our internal Logistics Team works with our partners on a daily basis and works as your local logistic monitoring team in Bangladesh.



We provide short-time or long-time storage of cargo at our contracted warehouses as well as container freight stations. Extensive security and compliance measures are taken for all stored cargoes and we can also provide assortment and sorting services at a competitive price. 

Our internal logistics team have more than 15+ experience on the trade and worked with various service providers ranging from multinational and local companies. While choosing a service provider, they look at the requirements of the customer and compares price, capability, and capacity of each service provider that can fulfill. 

The team follows up each shipment from loading at the supplier's premises till delivery at destination port. We work with the teams on the ground and overlook the full operation and share our expertise in order to overcome issues.

We always maintain a database of current rates availed through various service providers and aid our customers in choosing a cost-effective customer. We give upmost importance to the security and compliance issues and carry out evaluation of the provider at customer's request.

We share various information and resources with our customers so that they can make informed decisions on freight management.

  • Weekly and Monthly schedule of all carriers
  • Rates from multiple service providers so that you can choose the most cost effective one.
  • Market Intelligence and Alerts on ground situation that enables customers plan their shipments and avoid unexpected delays.
  • Daily CFS Report on cargoes delivered by suppliers
  • Combined services: sea-air/air-sea in case of urgency
  • Survey of containers with detailed report and photographs

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